
- Hell Bent and Opinionated

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Alito Hearings - a review

Future Supreme Court Justice Alito's confirmation hearings have come to an end. What? Getting ahead of myself? I think not. The Re-pubic-hairs love him... they're in power... he's going to get the nod. Most Democrybabies hate him for one reason or another... but they're not in power. There are talks that they are going to try and delay the vote... and even filibuster (although unlikely). Plus.. the moderate Democrats like Lieberman will help to push him through.

I didnt get to listen to the entire hearings like I did with Judge Roberts. But I did get a good feel for Alito. Unlike his wife, he came across very confident, very poised, very thorough and thoughtful. He doesnt come across as a man who would ever use his personal beliefs in his rulings. Instead viewing and ruling each case with an open mind. He was attacked on his position of Roe v. Wade, and questioned thorooughly on other topics including Gay Rights and Marriage.

The Democrybabies tried to paint a picture of Alito as predjudice against using guilt by association regarding a conservative student group at Princeton who was once known to have protested the Universities racial integration policy. I find that appalling. That is like saying if I were a Democrat... and some democrats have committed murder or other such atrocities.. that all Democrats are just as evil. Or if a few Republicans have a certain belief structure... or certain opinions on politics and social issues.. that all Republicans have the very same view. Neither case is true.

Alito's performance was quite impressive considering the badgering he took during the hearings. The Democrybabies were too much on the offensive.. and included too much politics in their questioning. I believe it was Senator Biden who went 12 minutes issueing a lecture.. and ended up only asking 5 questions during one segment. The Repubichairs.. were not tough enough in my opinion. They were way to soft on him, however, much more respectful than the Democrybabies. This scenario is typical of modern day politics. Both are too focused on making the other look bad instead of focusing on the matter at hand.


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