
- Hell Bent and Opinionated

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Point Two Fingers

I, Gatorrrrrr, am about to surprise alot of people. Take a seat, and prepare yourselves.

I hate guns. I think they are the most vile contraption on the face of the earth. No. That is not the surprise. Ive thought alot about the situation with Dick Cheney and the hunting excursion turned "Honey, I shot my friend!"

While I have complete disgust for guns, I have to look at this situation involving the Vice President as objectively as I possibly can. As I understand the story, Whittington basically walked into the line of fire. VP pulls trigger, gun goes bang and a series of pellets litters the air.. and Mr Whittington.

Yesterday, Mr. Cheney went on Fox News took all the blame. Which, since I have the utmost respect for him, I found very honorable. But, the way I see it, he's not totally to blame. To point blame, youll need two fingers.

One finger to point at VP Cheney for not being more aware of his surroundings before firing. Its safe to assume since he said to Mr. Whittington that "I didnt see you there" that he was in fact.. not aware of his surroundings.

Another finger pointing to Mr Whittington for walking in to the line of fire to begin with to pick up a dead bird that obviously wasnt going anywhere anytime soon. Now.. this is a big time lawyer.. who has made millions. Yet, he didnt have the common sense to know not to walk into the line of fire? Yea, I wont be calling him if I need defending.

I will still hold my stance, that this would never have happened if guns werent involved in the first place. No one should have that much power at their command, regardless of the situation. Including it would seem, the Vice President.


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