
- Hell Bent and Opinionated

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dear Psychopath-JackAss-In the Teal Green Saturn that was behind me at Jimmy Carter Blvd and Buford Hwy,

I do not know what the fuck I did for you to cuss and scream and flick birds at me yesterday at about 3:45pm yesterday. Which you followed up with trying to get around me in the next lane and almost running into the tailend of a Black Dodge Ram Pickup thats 4 times the size of your car... the you decided to swirve around him in the turn lane.. JUST so you can continue cussing me out and flicking me off and then drive like a bat out of hell and swirving in and out of traffic down Jimmy Carter Blvd and nearly causing about 4 other wrecks in the process.

Please let me know what I did. Because, the next time I see you behind me I will have to do it on purpos this time so you actually HAVE a reason to act like an idiot. Yes, in your case.. I would actually lower myself to that level just to get at you. You actually made me laugh. You see.. normally.. Im the one honking my horn and cussing and flicking people off. But the difference between you and I... they GAVE me a reason to do so. In my case yesterday... I can only go when the person in front of me moves too. And the people in front of me can only do so when that lil set of lights (which btw.. are not there for decoration regardless of what you may think) turns green. When we made it to the light.. it had just turned red. Which means... we stop. I know... your so much more important than everyone else... but your going ot have to come to realize... that if that were that true... you woudlnt be driving yourself.. nor would you still be in the second year production of the Saturn line.

The guy in the Black RAV4 who blew you a kiss, purely to piss you off even more and nothing more I assure you, as you drove by me cussing, screaming and flicking me a bird for absolutely no reason.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

More Pain. Less Comfort.

About a year or so ago, I wrote a very, I guess some would call, disturbing article about the Abu Ghraib scandal. I basically said that those who were involved and charged should get the same treatment that the prisoners effected did. I said that we should be above that. That we should be setting the example. That we are more - civilized- than that.

I'm going to make an exception to that rule regarding Michael Morales, a prisoner on death row for beating and stabbing a 17 year old girl to death. His execution was postponed because some anesthetists complained that it violated their oath to protect life. Their claim stated they couldn't perform the lethal injection because Michael would feel pain. They went on to say that the sodium pentathol may not be enough and that the executionee could wake up as the other two injections (one to stop from breathing, the other to stop the heart) were taking effect.

Fine. They have a point. As medical doctors, their job is to protect life.

However, comfort to this animal should not be a concern. Not considering what he did. While I believe we should be more civilized and set a better example, I also believe what comes around goes around. The 8th Amendment, as Kenneth Starr points out, does not allow for that form of capitol punishment.

I keep thinking, if that were my daughter... would I feel justice was served if I knew steps were being taken to make him comfortable while he passes on while my daughter wasn't given the same courtesy? Does thinking that make me as much of an animal as Michael Morales?

I would want vengeance.
I would want justice.
I'm not sure Terri Winchell or her family is getting either.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Point Two Fingers

I, Gatorrrrrr, am about to surprise alot of people. Take a seat, and prepare yourselves.

I hate guns. I think they are the most vile contraption on the face of the earth. No. That is not the surprise. Ive thought alot about the situation with Dick Cheney and the hunting excursion turned "Honey, I shot my friend!"

While I have complete disgust for guns, I have to look at this situation involving the Vice President as objectively as I possibly can. As I understand the story, Whittington basically walked into the line of fire. VP pulls trigger, gun goes bang and a series of pellets litters the air.. and Mr Whittington.

Yesterday, Mr. Cheney went on Fox News took all the blame. Which, since I have the utmost respect for him, I found very honorable. But, the way I see it, he's not totally to blame. To point blame, youll need two fingers.

One finger to point at VP Cheney for not being more aware of his surroundings before firing. Its safe to assume since he said to Mr. Whittington that "I didnt see you there" that he was in fact.. not aware of his surroundings.

Another finger pointing to Mr Whittington for walking in to the line of fire to begin with to pick up a dead bird that obviously wasnt going anywhere anytime soon. Now.. this is a big time lawyer.. who has made millions. Yet, he didnt have the common sense to know not to walk into the line of fire? Yea, I wont be calling him if I need defending.

I will still hold my stance, that this would never have happened if guns werent involved in the first place. No one should have that much power at their command, regardless of the situation. Including it would seem, the Vice President.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Labeled: Tyrant

I have been in a somewhat grumpy mood this week. I blame it on my very good friend Ellen as we seem to be psychically linked somehow and I get to share in the joys of PMS with her. Then I go to check my email this morning and see an email from someone that has labeled me a tyrant. Ive never been called a tyrant before. Should I be offended or take it as a compliment? Is it befitting? Lets see... according to Websters Dictionary:

Pronunciation: 'tI-rAnt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tirant, from Old French tyran, tyrant, from Latin tyrannus, from Greek tyrannos
1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution b : a usurper of sovereignty
2 a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

Hmmm Im not a ruler of anything with the exception maybe of my meager little townhouse... but even then I am making payments to my mortgage company. So.. that doesnt exactly fit. I dont hold any sort of political office ... yet... not even with my HOA. I guess you could count my dog as someone I rule over.. nah... he's too happy to feel tyranized.

So what could I have possibly said or done for someone to call me a tyrant? Im baffled myself. So I read the rest of the email and the comments made. Then it hit me... Im a tyrant because I actually want to encourage responsibility. Responsibility.. is a forgotten concept I think. It would appear that "Anonymous" doesnt agree. So is it my political views "she" doesnt agree with, or my views on abortion - or the responsibility we should take for our choices we make in life.

So... instead of re-hashing over and over again my position on abortion (which seems to be what is really being argued here).. Ill just plainly play the good tyrant.. err I mean guy and just answer "her" questions and reply to comments as best I can because "Anonymous" miserably tried to use many comparisons to my views on abortion that had nothing to do with abortion. I know.. Im confused too. So here we go.

I can't help thinking what a tyrant you sound - make a woman give birth to a child she doesn't want? Come off it, will you! Why not 25 children she doesn't want? Why not invade Iraq?

Did she and her mate make a conscious decision to have sex that resulted in 25 children? I would probably say yes. And I would also probably say they are also the last people that should be replicating too. It’s about the choice the couple made (again... assuming it was consensual). Accident or not, the choice was made... they should accept responsibility EQUALLY for those actions. So is your basic argument that we should not take responsibility for our actions? That’s even scarier to hear than my view on abortion. Oh and what does Iraq have anything to do with this? Next question?

Oh, look, put it this way - Say you have an ex-partner. They qualify as a doctor. They like you, are on good terms with you, yada, yada, once a year card at Xmas.

Here's the thing. What if they had the right to bring you to the doctor for a checkup, nine months after you broke up?

Assuming its because she's pregnant and there is without a doubt his child... They both made their bed, time to lie in it - together. The concept of responsibility seems to allude you. But I would have to ask.. did she TELL him she was pregnant before then? If he did know all along.. and he desserted her for this length of time.. then he made his decision... whatever happened at that point was her decision to make. Its a shitty deal if that were the case... no doubt. But you dont seem to willing to look at this issue from both points of view. Im giving each party equal responsibility.... both with a choice to make - hopefully together. Your saying... oh well yes.. we had great sex.. and yes.. you got me pregnant.. but.. Im sorry.. its up to me to decide whether your a father or Im a mother. I know its not a perfect world we live in, I am purely saying this is how it SHOULD... and CAN be. It just takes work.. and communication between both parties.

How about a biopsy on those dark moles? A session with a therapist about your habit of chewing your nails? Drop a couple of leeches on you, to purify your blood? Yeah, right. Hopefully they wouldn't dislike you enough to be so indifferent or sadistic. And an ideal world means that life isn't a popularity contest.

These are issues that are usually related to a singular person. Not the result of two people's choice(s) and mutual actions. Therefore, because no one else is equally to blame, it’s the choice of the individual assuming no one else is being harmed in the matter.

Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you are referring to government intervention of some sort or another or forcing you or any other woman to essentially turn you into a baby making machine. Well because biologically speaking, you are. Sorry.. thats the way nature intended it. Dont blame me or the rest of the male species for that. Men=farmer; women=crop. Crude way of putting it, but none the less true. And no I dont think women exist solely to be barefoot and pregnant. Its just purely a biological metaphor so dont get your lace thong in a wad. Now as far as someone making the fem-dom do something against their will – Im not suggesting that at all….. entirely. There are only two people that have a say so in the matter at hand… that is the parents of the child (again assuming its consensual). This is where my version of pro-choice comes into play. It’s the choice of the parents… vs the choice of only the mother. Need a lesson on the birds and the bees? I would hope not. OK… so.. lets say theres a problem with the health of the mother. Well then the parents need to come to a mutual agreement.. and lets just hope that.. well.. the father isn’t so self-centered as to force her to still have the child to put her life at risk. In fact.. in that instance, I would say the mother then has a solitary decision in the matter.

Or .., what if they could have a law that made you have a circumcision, whether or not you and your current partner wanted one? Ouch! None of these things have anything to do with you - and they are all relatively minor, painless, elective procedures which "are probably for your own good". Aren't they?

Hold on a second. What has any partner got to say about another person having a circumcision? Right? Sure, right now, right. But ... What if it's for somebody's good? Or god. Should you have the right to walk out and say that you don't care to go through this? Or something that hurts a Lot worse?

Nice try on the low blow darling, but it ain’t gonna work with me. Why? Because I am circumcised. I cant miss anything I don’t ever remember having. But, you actually help me to make another one of my points. That point is this, couple does the nasty, they work together to come to a mutual conclusion on the arrangement of the “family” (ding)… said “family” has decided on whether to circumcise or not. (ding ding) WOW! You mean.. people can actually communicate.. AND can work together towards a mutual understanding? Whoever invented that concept should like win a Nobel Peace Prize or something!

Not, you say, if someone, somewhere, has a superstitious notion that it might do good. Pain equals good. So long as it is being imposed on someone else.

Hey.. some people enjoy pain, so dont knock it unless youve tried it. And for those that feel like pain is being unfairly imposed by my idea of “pro-choice”… perhaps they should have considered that before having sex if they didn’t wanna take EQUAL responsibility for whatever may happen afterwards.

Examine your reasons, please! Pluck your eyebrows. Tell me you don't mind the class bully doing it too - to you. Now, what was that about having ma baby?

Eww.. Nooooo thank you. When or IF I were to ever subject my offspring to this world – not that I ever plan on that happening- I would want to make sure the mother of MY child was well educated and had a sense of… responsibility.